Friday, February 6, 2009

What do I say to this?

Sooooo the other day I logged into facebook and looked at Nick's profile. Incase you can't read it, it says "They dated and still get along great. It's complicated. They hooked up." This girl is my worst nightmare in a guy I am interested in. The above profile picture caught my eye (ofcourse) as someone who recently wrote on Nick's wall... She said something like "Hahaha, you ask how am I still single?! I am waiting for something amazing to come my way." Nick is flirting with some girl and she posted on his wall. Big deal. She looks like a girl that is VERY comfortable with her sexuality. I looked at his profile again the other day and the message was ERASED. I am 150% sure. I just clicked through Nick's friends and there is a new feature on FB that pops up with whatever status was entered on "how do you know so and so." The above image is the status that popped up. My mouth fell open. This is completely out of my league! hahaha I am not pissed because I know better and knew better the whole time (and am somewhat proud of this despite Nick's weak attempts to hide the way he really is). One of the first things I heard Nick say was about almost scoring one night. I know this is how he is. I bet some of the times he hasn't called when he said he was going to were when he was out banging some girl. I have no idea why a guy that likes and has sex with girls like Fiona has any interest in me. Don't get me wrong, I think I am a good catch--but not the same kind of "good catch" as Fiona... The completely opposite type of catch. My interest in Nick is purely fun and exploring a more dangerous side of life than I am used to. I have NEVER done this. NEVER NEVER NEVER even wanted to. Do you think I can walk the tight rope line of not getting feelings but having a blast with someone who is adventurous enough to take 3 weeks off and spend it with someone half way around the world? I am just out of a shitty shitty relationship and I have that scar to protect me and remind me of what I DO NOT WANT TO END UP FEELING LIKE AT ANY COST. I am almost thinking about printing this out and putting it in my pocket so I don't forget even when he seems innocent... Should I call him on it right away and tell him don't even try to hide it, just be open and that way I can avoid being tempted to have feelings? Or should I just keep it to myself? I guess my only interest in this guy is to try something different that I am used to... This is the possibly craziest and yet most sensible thing I have ever done... Sensible in the way that I am enjoying something for myself and I know that the only person that can let myself get hurt is me... I am going to try to take the fun out of this and get what I want and just leave the rest behind... And yet I can't help but to feel like I am feeding myself to the sharks.


Bld424 said...

Yes, print this out, put it in your pocket. And then send it to the publishers for a next volume of He's Just Not that into you...

mlte55 said...

Oh hahahah I do love my honest friends :) The check box information does make me feel a wee bit better.