Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bike racing

I am trying something new and scary. I know a coworker and have met a few people in the past who ride and race for a road biking team. Lately I have lots of extra energy and no good outlet besides thinking too much about things that shouldn't be overanalyzed (anyone that knows me understands this one). For the past two years, my coworker, Jay, has suggested that I try it out. It is a larger time commitment than anything else I can find and so I have not been ready to commit. However, lately, it seems like the right thing to be doing for many reasons. I am not eager to tell those besides my close friends because if it doesn't work out I will feel bad. BUT I am interested in sharing my thoughts and experiences as a someone trying something completely new and different. So far, attended a few "meet the team" rides. Anyone interested is invited to go on a ride of leisurely pace and chat with the team. One team is all female and stuck out above the rest for cohesion and support for new racers. I immediately loved their attitude. I went to their team meeting and it was about 15 women crowded around the living room of one of the more senior members of the team. I loved being around all women for once. We all chatted a bit and introduced ourselves. Discussed team requirements, etc. I went home still not sure if I was ready for the commitment and the potential failure. Then come the last day to fill out the form to sign up I took the leap.

Two weeks have gone by. We had our annual mandatory team meeting. To pay our dues for the cycling organizations which require you to be a member to race, to try on this years clothing and to order the team "kit" (the name for the jersey and shorts/gear that you have to buy to be part of the team, you wear it riding and racing, it has the names of the sponsors on it). We stood around a room watching a slide show of last years races on flat screen tv before the meeting started. These women are AMAZING! They are so confident and strong and just beautiful. I immediately love just to be around them. I still don't really understand the difference in a bond between people who train together and that of just "casual" friends. I find the friendships with some type of more extreme hobby to be the most fulfilling. I really loved spending time with my climbing team for instance two years ago... they are all people I will always feel close to. Anyway, I am kind of quiet and just observant of all that is going on around me. I tried on all the necessary clothing items and dropped a painful wad of cash on leg warmers, knee warmers, arm warmers, gloves, a vest, two sets of shorts and jerseys and 8 pairs of wool cycling socks... Ouch. But if I am going to be riding 6-10 hours a week, 4 to 5 days a week it will be money well spent.

Then the team rides started. The first ride I was driving in my car to meet them near the south end of Lake Washington. It was raining harder than I have ever seen it rain in Seattle. Cars were going 35 mph on I5. There was standing water 6 inches deep in some places. I wondered how in the HECK we were going to ride. Funny enough the rain cleared just before we went to ride. And stayed clear the whole time. That happens quite a bit. And I still feel privileged each time to be able to enjoy the break in the rain.

You may assume bike racing teams always ride fast on team rides. You may find this interesting, as did I at first... they are bike RACING teams, right? Well the beginning of training actually goes by riding slowly!! I have learned a little bit about cycling training, but there are people that make entire careers out of it. So I have tons more to learn. The first part of training is called "base." Our "base" miles are rides that we do lots of, and they are not too long--around 30 miles or so. Not too hilly. You build endurance this way. Later comes intervals and more high intensity stuff. So we ride around Seattle in either single or double pacelines. This is where the person up front does more work for awhile then "peels off" (moves to the side and slows down to allow the line to pass) and drops to the back. This rotation goes on for the whole ride. Taking turns doing the work. My favorite is the double pacelines so far. This is just because you can sit back and gab while you go quite fast without all of the effort normally required to do so, thanks to the draft. I just LOVE riding in a giant group of 100% women. I don't have a good reason besides I just get a crazy feeling of girl power ;)

So anyways, on 1 of the 3 team rides thus far, we were soaked to the bone. It really wasn't all that bad. But I am just loving riding with my team so far. They are the coolest bunch of women. One 3-time Ironman competitor who coaches running for marathons/half marathons for a living, a pilates instructor, and the list goes on. They rock! I feel so happy just riding along with them. So far I am keeping up decently well (hills are the only trouble spots for me). The "no-drop" rides end in mid-December. Which means if you can't keep up with the pace of the team, you are on your own to train... Not my idea of fun. I am nervous. I will just keep up my weekly riding and hopefully drop a few pounds... We'll see. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

nice day

I am finally in bed and I am whooped! I worked and then I had a riding lesson and then worked out at the gym a little. It is going to be my last riding lesson for several months because I need to start saving a little money incase something happens to me (laid off, car problems, etc). It SUCKS to quit riding but I have been stressing over money and sometimes the right thing isn't the easiest thing (actually it seems like lately that is always the case! :\ ). I had an awesome ride tonight--not on my favorite horse, but an awesome ride. I am finally just about where I was when I stopped a few years ago. Tonight I rode the mare that always tries to bite me when she thinks I am not looking! hahah :) She once bit me on the butt when I was bending over picking out her feet. She loves me :) she just likes to pretend she doesn't. She is so fun to jump cause she will jump anything and higher and wider jumps (oxers) that other horses might stop at so the worry and danger factor is, for the most part, taken out of the equation. She is an incredible bi*** until she gets to jump! I felt like I was on a bronco for the first part of the lesson, not kidding. So now I am wiped and going to bed. Anybody that has a decent horse that needs to be worked a little, give me a call. I will do it gladly for free :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Thoughts...

Hi again. I just finished eating dinner and I am waiting for it to digest before I head of to the gym. Nick called today--around 5 p.m. my time/2 a.m. his time. He was drunk from going out somewhere and we had a good conversation, he was being really honest. I could feel myself feeling closer to him. Something that I wanted to avoid because I know he is not a "safe" guy. I am attracted to him like a bear to honey. Something about his way of talking attracts me. I can feel it pulling me in and I stop caring that I am starting to care :( The conversation goes on and I ask him if he deleted something off his wall. He did, he said his ex is trying to stir up trouble. His ex who is a model for Giorgio Armani. Okay folks. If I didn't feel insecure before with Mr. Muscles Cardoza, I DO NOW!! holy crap. :\ But I am trying to not feel insecure and I am DETERMINED to feel good about myself, so I am tempted to force myself to continue. I want to practice being comfortable in my own skin. I know I am farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr below anything close to a model. My first instinct was to exchange my potential new bikini out for a potential new full length moo moo at first when I heard this. I was really tempted to ask him "What the heck do you see in me, then?!" BUT, I stopped myself. That is a bad way to talk to yourself. I know many girls would be guilty of the same thing. All the working out in the world and I would still be laughable compared to Fiona. I think it is good for me to feel a little insecure and then push myself to be myself and to believe I can be loved for who I am. It is okay if I am not half as pretty as his ex, because I have many other good qualities. This whole Nick thing is a complete experiment in how comfortable I can be with myself in the face of a man who offers me nothing in the way of help--no securities, he openly has sex with way more girls than even my imagination can keep up with. He dates girls I will never hope to look like. He is a complete womanizer. I am really trying to force myself to not run straight for the guy who claims he only likes me. Because that would be a lie. It would be unrealistic. And there is no hope in a man like that in a different way there is no hope in a long term relationship with a man like Nick. And I believe I have learned that if I can enjoy MYSELF and be comfortable with myself around someone like Nick, it will be much easier for me to really to relax and enjoy the next guy that is actually boyfriend material. So this is like self-esteem boot camp. He is going to tell me how gorgeous he thinks I am. I know that he may mean it, but in no way am I different than the other girls. He is going to look at me with his gorgeous eyes. I am going to remember that he has looked at 150 other girls that way, and in no way will I derive a sense of worth for myself out of it because that will just be preposterous (like I did when I dated the last guy). And yet I will enjoy him and the time I spend with him because he is a good person. He is caring and open and free spirited more than anyone I have ever known. He is just different than me. I am going to try to learn from him. He really is a very beautiful person. He is childlike in his enthusiasm and love for others. He gives warm compliments openly. He just also really happens to enjoy lots of sex. I am going to try to learn how to let go a little without letting go my control of my respect for myself. I feel like I am way too structured and way too guarded. You can't fence other people out (from hurting you), you can only fence yourself in. So I want to try to learn how to let others in and enjoy myself and them. I want a sense of self worth that I hold tightly for myself without having to lock others out in order to protect it. Hopefully that makes sense to someone because I think a lot of people try to do this. I believe that is the definition of jaded. I do not want to be jaded. I want to be loving and lovable and be young at heart.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

initial tendency

Oh man. I kind of feel like a jerk. I don't know why my initial tendency is to overreact like I did. There is nothing wrong with Nick and the way he is. Some people are just a little more free than others with their sexuality. It doesn't mean he is plotting against me or trying to deliberately hurt me. I don't know why I assume that. Nick is a very nice guy and like a lot of guys he enjoys sex. There is nothing wrong with that. Is there anything wrong with the fact he is very flirtatious with a lot of girls? It actually seems genuine--almost like he really things so and so is gorgeous and he knows that she would enjoy it if he told her. He is fliratious in a way that American guys cannot be. Europeans seem a bit more open with their sexuality, am I wrong? I always overreact at first and then level out. I am just that way and don't know why really...

Friday, February 6, 2009

What do I say to this?

Sooooo the other day I logged into facebook and looked at Nick's profile. Incase you can't read it, it says "They dated and still get along great. It's complicated. They hooked up." This girl is my worst nightmare in a guy I am interested in. The above profile picture caught my eye (ofcourse) as someone who recently wrote on Nick's wall... She said something like "Hahaha, you ask how am I still single?! I am waiting for something amazing to come my way." Nick is flirting with some girl and she posted on his wall. Big deal. She looks like a girl that is VERY comfortable with her sexuality. I looked at his profile again the other day and the message was ERASED. I am 150% sure. I just clicked through Nick's friends and there is a new feature on FB that pops up with whatever status was entered on "how do you know so and so." The above image is the status that popped up. My mouth fell open. This is completely out of my league! hahaha I am not pissed because I know better and knew better the whole time (and am somewhat proud of this despite Nick's weak attempts to hide the way he really is). One of the first things I heard Nick say was about almost scoring one night. I know this is how he is. I bet some of the times he hasn't called when he said he was going to were when he was out banging some girl. I have no idea why a guy that likes and has sex with girls like Fiona has any interest in me. Don't get me wrong, I think I am a good catch--but not the same kind of "good catch" as Fiona... The completely opposite type of catch. My interest in Nick is purely fun and exploring a more dangerous side of life than I am used to. I have NEVER done this. NEVER NEVER NEVER even wanted to. Do you think I can walk the tight rope line of not getting feelings but having a blast with someone who is adventurous enough to take 3 weeks off and spend it with someone half way around the world? I am just out of a shitty shitty relationship and I have that scar to protect me and remind me of what I DO NOT WANT TO END UP FEELING LIKE AT ANY COST. I am almost thinking about printing this out and putting it in my pocket so I don't forget even when he seems innocent... Should I call him on it right away and tell him don't even try to hide it, just be open and that way I can avoid being tempted to have feelings? Or should I just keep it to myself? I guess my only interest in this guy is to try something different that I am used to... This is the possibly craziest and yet most sensible thing I have ever done... Sensible in the way that I am enjoying something for myself and I know that the only person that can let myself get hurt is me... I am going to try to take the fun out of this and get what I want and just leave the rest behind... And yet I can't help but to feel like I am feeding myself to the sharks.

Monday, January 26, 2009

the best things in life are free

I just want to take the last few minutes of my day to write about something that we most often forget. I have been a little bummed out thinking about all of the things that I really want to do that cost money... When I should be saving in case of layoffs. Namely horse riding and more mountaineering courses. And vacations and scuba diving (which requires more equipment up here or airfare to a warmer place... unless I want to die of hypothermia in the Puget Sound). I want to buy more and nicer clothes. I want to go out drinking at expensive bars on the weekends with my friends. I want to take voice lessons and guitar lessons and you name it, I want to give it a try.

I have had the most amazing last two days spurred on by something that is free on Sunday. I went on a group bike ride around what I consider one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Stopping for scones and lattes in a little bakery where you can see the ocean and the snow capped mountains in the background. I went with a group of people who I have never met before in my life and most of them were atleast 10 years my senior, some were four times that. Whatever it was about that ride, it completely reformatted my hard drive. Since then I have been in a cloud somewhere floating around.

Today I stopped at the grocery store and bought only what was on my list (and the cheapest versions at that). I usually buy whatever I want and feel a little guilty about how much I spend. But this time I was more careful with my money. I came home, tossed everything in the cabinets and made a quick dinner. I shoved that down and took off for the gym. I worked out in 35 min (not ideal, but I got there). I drove home and showered and just wrote a personal mission statement which I am quite fond of. I have spent literally probably 15 hours working on one which isn't half as good as the one that just popped out of my brain after two min of laying on my bed staring at the ceiling.

What's my point? Well, when you find what truly makes you happy, you just want to tackle everything and you enjoy it. If you are finding yourself not getting stuff done that you want to do or you just feel lazy or whatever... Find and do what you are passionate about. Everything else falls into place. I usually whine about having too much to do. Today I just ran around like a crazy lady. I think the guys that work at the gym were laughing at me when I came in cause I came running up to the sliding doors and had to stop and wait while they opened. On the way out I didn't bother to fix my ponytail that was all crazy from doing abs... I looked deranged and took off out the door. I jumped in and out of the shower and onto my bed and my thoughts just came right to my head. Normally after a day as busy as today I would not be able to have any ideas come to my head.

Just a few thoughts I thought I would share with you guys... :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Best Sunday

I just got back from an AWESOME bike ride. Seattle is coo' because you can just pick anything you want to do and there are clubs of tons of people that you can just meet up with and do whatever it is that you want to do. So I looked up some group rides (cycling) going on today. There was one from practically my back yard to Alki Beach and back. The weather was one degree above freezing and predictions for snow. We went ahead and went. Down to Ballard (down Leary and Market where all the coolest coffee shops and shops are)/Freemont, across the drawbridge, along the water down by the Piers/Pike Place/Cranes downtown, across the bridge and into West Seattle and up along the beach (windy!!) and stopped at Alki Bakery for a latte and the most delicious scones you can imagine! They put Tully's scones to shame! Then back on the bikes and crossed the Ballard locks, back up to Greenlake. All on the typically busy roads, but because it was Sunday, it was dead. The snow was coming down like a snow globe, but it was dry the entire time. The bike paths were also empty due to the chilly weather and likely snow. Best tour of Seattle I have had yet. And on bikes with a very cool bunch of people. Some of the people were older--retired. But don't be fooled. The retired people here have grey hair just like everywhere else in the country, but here in the northwest they can kick your ass!! They are in such good shape. One of the men was talking about second hand bike parts he bought, used for 40,000 mi and then resold for a profit. Another one was talking about a ride called "RAW" (Ride Around Washington). http://www.cascade.org/EandR/raw/index.cfm They ride over Washington Pass (6,000 feet gain in one day). A six day ride. One of the others is hoping the weather will be nice for his trip to ride the beaches in Vietnam. Very fun bike trip. Very inspiring people. Very great way to start my Sunday :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

steady state

I just got home from a night out with climbing friends. A few things happened this week that kind of stirred stuff up for me. Some good, some bad. Writing in a blog is hard, most of the events in my life that I want to discuss have to do with people. So it has to be private and yet I don't want to be when I type it. I want to say someone's name. Then say how much I am crazy about them or can't stand them. At the same time that is not fair for the person to find that out through a blog and not from my mouth. So my solution is to be as ambiguous as possible and just leave the world guessing.

I am dreading a certain phone call that has to happen in the next week. I know it is something I have to do, but for some reason I am still in denial. I just keep saying I will make the call later. I really don't want to do it. :( I need to (wo)man up and face things a little more than I do sometimes.

All in all, I had a pretty good week. I haven't been home a single second but to sleep, it is crazy. That is how I like it. My roommate may have thought I signed up to be home once in awhile, but it ain't happening lately that is fo sho.

Oh I am tired. I don't have the mental energy to type about anything good for you to read. I want to cuddle right now. I don't have anyone to cuddle with and I miss that! That is the one thing I hate about being single. I am a very physically affectionate person and I am happiest when I can have that.

It was good to see all my BCC friends again. A bunch of them are making the committment to teach this course section. I really admire that. It would probably be a good thing for me to do. I didn't make every weekend available in the next few months though and this time the course runs clear through June!! Gosh they are such "good people," although it is weird to be hanging out with them in Seattle instead of out in the mountains somewhere or in a random pub on the way home to Seattle from a climb. I liked every single person on my team and was even fortunate to make friends that I have kept on other teams. They are the best quality people I now have as friends... Chris is pretty quality too. :) Mountaineering is a good place to make dependable friends.

Okay I am sleepy girl and do not have anything interesting that isn't super private for the internet.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Best day yet :)

That's right. I went out for some beers with a friend and ended up having the best time I have had in I would venture to say some months. Undisclosed who this person is, it was just a breath of fresh air, new perspectives on life, renewed faith, etc. I am thankful to say the least. I believe I can always see from the outsides of situations, but at times I start to doubt that. That is where my friends come in. I am hoping next Thursday will top this week... We will see and I will report back. :>

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mayor of Your Town

I am in a contemplative mood today. Lots going on to think about and everyone knows I like to do that!! :) My relationships with my coworkers just keep getting better. I can't believe how lucky I am to work with the nicest people all day. They are so happy and friendly. I am listening to pandora right now and I named the station "Nick's Station" cause I got all of the suggested band names from him. I am trying to post the link to it so you guys can also, but I am failing at that at the current moment. Every song is awesome.

I went to riding at the barn and rode my favorite horse, Blanche. She is a thoroughbred percheron mix and my instructor and I agree that if she were a person she would be Marilyn Monroe. She is hilarious, she always thinks I have treats for her (she's a smart girl). She stands in the cross ties and squirms around while I brush her and pick out her feet. She cocks her head sideways and stares down at me with one eye while I am at her withers brushing her. I have invited a handful of people to ride and I am shocked at how indifferent they are some of the times. I am wondering if people think riding horses is like forcing the horses to do something they don't want to do. Horses like some of the people that ride them and not others. And depending on the horse, they really like to jump. It is like playing a game for them. Blanche and I did figure eights today (doing two "bending lines (a bending line is two jumps that aren't in a straight line)" in the shape of a figure eight) and she was a little on the sluggish side until we started doing those. Then I just sat back and let her go. She loved it. Blanche and I are pals. :)

I think I might have to stop riding for awhile to save some money up. It makes me so sad. I was looking at everything in the barn tonight and at Blanche wondering how long it might be before I come back. I really don't want to quit. Riding keeps me sane. I don't have any pics of me with her, I need to get some. Someone has pics of me on another horse, but I DOUBT I am getting those...

On the way home I went by the grocery store and bought some pistachios and other stuff. Those damn things are so good. And Corona, that is pretty damn good also.

Mmmm... one more thing. So for anyone that doesn't really know, I am still talking to the Welsh guy that I met last weekend. I really enjoy avoiding thinking about what is going on. It is so fun how ridiculous it is when I do give it a few thoughts--we are so far apart and yet all I want is to hear his voice. That might seem impossible, I am in Seattle and he is in Holyhead, U.K. He calls and all I want to do is jump through the phone and out the other side into his arms. His voice is the most amazing sound I have heard since I can remember. Charming and sweet and pretty damn funny (cheeky shit ;) ). He is 8 hours ahead of my time. So he is getting up pretty soon I imagine. I am going to visit him sometime and it sounds like he might be able to come visit me. We don't get to talk very much because he works a lot and does a lot of training for athletic events that he participates in. Hhahaha, we are something like 8000 miles apart and we don't get to talk that much. So basically the majority of this is in my imagination... HEY. ahahaha ;) Or the majority is on facebook messages. Yep. I like the idea of bouncing around the world and going on cycling trips with him. To random crazy adventurous places to just meet up and have a blast. Then return to normal life. That's okay with me, ya know. He's cool enough that I am satisfied with facebook messages and occasional really hot phone calls. Life's a bowl of cherries!!

Nick's pretty cool. He is on the top of the list as far as awesome guys I have met. For a bunch of reasons. I seek out people who want their life to be an adventure, one after another. He seems like he wouldn't so much as skip a beat in that department. And he's so gosh dang seheeeexxxxy. His ass looks hotter in jeans than anyone I have seen yet. Oh yes. :D

Sweet dreams. Earlier bed time for me.

Old School: I didn't get the link to work. Here are the songs that have been playing while I wrote:

"Big Screen" by Pictures and Sound.

"Stay Here" by Bela

"Is It Any Wonder?" by Keane

"Warning Sign" by Coldplay

with some pistachios and a Corona Light with two slices of lime