Sunday, February 8, 2009

initial tendency

Oh man. I kind of feel like a jerk. I don't know why my initial tendency is to overreact like I did. There is nothing wrong with Nick and the way he is. Some people are just a little more free than others with their sexuality. It doesn't mean he is plotting against me or trying to deliberately hurt me. I don't know why I assume that. Nick is a very nice guy and like a lot of guys he enjoys sex. There is nothing wrong with that. Is there anything wrong with the fact he is very flirtatious with a lot of girls? It actually seems genuine--almost like he really things so and so is gorgeous and he knows that she would enjoy it if he told her. He is fliratious in a way that American guys cannot be. Europeans seem a bit more open with their sexuality, am I wrong? I always overreact at first and then level out. I am just that way and don't know why really...

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